Sunday, April 14, 2013

A College Student's idea of a "Well Branded" Digital Image

The people's profiles I looked at were the following:

Trisha Torrey that talked about her journey, stated her appearances to different places, her books she published, and her personal tips. Which is good because you are "well rounded" and known. In the website it also had a section for other people's personal stories.

Almost Frugal that has a first and last name and a comment section so  that people can voice their opinions about what they think.

Simple Mom that was really good on recent updates, a nice photo of self and other things that represent what the article was talking about. Had an appropriate email and Twiiter for others to follow.

Kim Mance picked a title that was fun and engaging to readers. Put a link on the website that went to another website for more additional information about herself.

Deb Dib's linkedin was good I thought because of her connections, the different websites she linked to her page, a great summary, lots of experience, and she added additional information.

Jason Alba's linkedin was good because of the amount of recommendations, his education and education levels, his many skills and languages. He was also able to put down his contact information.

I think I should personally try to change my digital presence is by getting a more professional facebook page and updating current information on my resume. I plan to also create a LinkedIn account and keep it updated. Of course I would have my picture and what I write on my wall be appropriate, because I don't know who would be reading it.

My 5 Criteria (no order for most important)

1. First and last name should be displayed.

2. Appropriate pictures and wall postings on facebook, twitter, web page, etc.

3. Add a nice detailed summary or more information about yourself, so that the reader can get to know you.

4. Add your expertise and connections. This could be important for being recommended on certain sites.

5. Add your personal tips or other testimonies to let others what you're doing really does work and it may can help them.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Video Critque

This video was a bit goofy. It was making fun of the dance "Harlem Shake" that was re-made and pretty silly. There were many many versions when the first video of the re- make was up the same day a couple of weeks back. One of the players from the team Timberwolves makes it clear that the dance is clearly getting old and played out fast. The music played until the wolf jumps out and attacks the dancer then starts back up when the dressed up wolf is done.

This video was very interesting, it was a trailer for an upcoming movie in June. There was music in the background the entire time the trailer was playing. From the music itself the viewer could probably tell this movie will be action and/or sci-fi. From the scenes that were shown in this video I want to go see this movie.

This is another movie trailer that looked interesting. Again there was music in the background, this time when the actors/actresses were talking it was just music, but when certain parts came up people in the background were singing with the music. This trailer seemed like it was going to be a comedy. I want to also go see this movie.

This video was a tribute to a New York basketball team. It was well put together in my opinion. The artist was rapping in the background throughout the video. There were some still images and actual video footage in this video. The video also listed people's nicknames and places to go in New York City. The artist rapped mostly about living in New York and what it meant to others.

This was a really neat video that sort of told a story through photoshop. The things we do in everyday life could be adjusted through your computer screen for example putting on make-up, working out, and cooking etc. All of those things and more can be changed through some simple tools in photoshop. This video show that in similar ways. Music was in the background throughout the video and there were still images also.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Sunday, February 3, 2013

What Makes an Interesting Interview

Names of the audio and animated clips from the website

Audio: "I remember many months with no lights", "At the time, I was tutoring at an after -school program...", and "How do you think you've changed?"
Animated: "Always a family" and "Eyes on the stars"

The key points from the above clips I heard and saw had a clear flow and was straight to the point. Some of the stories had some background information. All of the voices were clear and accurate, some of them told their stories with emotion. The information they wanted to share was understandable and visual not only by the animation clips, but also the audio clips because of the story teller's description of words. Emotions were heard in the animated clips rather than the audio clips, but again the story teller was very understandable. In  the animated clips I heard crying in one story and in the other I heard laughing.

My Criteria:
1. Have a clear and accurate voice ( to avoid being nervous, practice in the mirror)
2. Choose visual words (e.g. She sat in the cold room wearing her favorite navy blue dress, because her mom was not able to pay the heat bill that month....)
3. Get permission when using people's names, or keep their identity safe
4. When using music in your clip be sure to make it sure at the appropriate time, it will be better if it would be used at the end of the story teller's last words
5. Share a little background information on your topic so that the listener would know what's going on

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Digital Footprint Review

My Footprint Review  

The type of items that was included in a digital footprint was most of the digital devices we use in everyday life. These items included cameras, video recorders, cell phone usage including text messaging and pictures, land lines, computer/internet access, downloads of music, movies, videos, or games, emailing, and recording boxes for the televisions.

The ones that were relevant to me were the emailing, cell phone usage, and computer/internet access.

I think it was pretty difficult because sometimes I don’t use the above devices as much as other weeks. This could be due to a number of things like having no classes/ classes, being off from work/ working, or being involved in other activities.

I learned that they take all your technology usage from the numbers you give and somehow work that in for a week or month of how much you use. They probably multiply and divide it, I don’t know how they do it, my digital footprint number was very large.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Tracking My Technology Use

From the hours 8a.m. to midnight on Thursday I was to record my technology use, my results were:

Text 3 times
Email 4 times
Facebook 4 times
Use of the Web 17 times

Thursday, January 24, 2013

My 2 blogs  I chose this link because it is almost like a part of me. It is what I do and will start doing again once I have a hold on this semester. I love poetry, everyone has a story to tell. Through my poetry it's a way to express the deep feelings that others don't know about.  I chose this link because toward the end of last year I became obessed watching this T.V show, which I also think it's number one in America on Thurdays evenings called Scandal. It's a must see, it's mind blowing and takes you on a number of "oh wow"outbursts throughout the series.